PHP -How to inscrease the maximum file upload size in php

Many or most of the guys feel difficult while handling file and at the same time , many developers find difficulties when working with larger files upload in php. Depending upon the web hosting company and package you choose and for security reasons , default upload size will be 2 MB. If you are uploading the file greater than 2 MB . You can solve this difficulty of uploading the maximum file size by

   1) .htaccess
    2) php.ini
    3) httpd.conf

And i prefer the third one because you may not have privilage to edit the php.ini and httpd.conf file in server , no problem if you are working in localhost. Ok , How to inscrease the maximum file upload size in php using .htaccess , here is the solution.
1. Create the .htaccess file
2. Put the following code in the .htaccess file

  php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
          php_value post_max_size 10M
          php_value max_execution_time 150
          php_value max_input_time 150

You can upload up to 10MB file.
Short Description of the rule

Rule 1: upload_max_filesize sets maximum file size for uploading.
    Rule 2: post_max_size sets maximum size of the post data.
    Rule 3: max_execution_time sets maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated.
    Rule 4: max_input_time sets maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data of HTML form.

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